Basics you should know about baseball (Part 1)

There are many explanations about the origin of baseball. But the most popular is that it was formed and developed the most in the United States in the early 1800s.

The baseball department is considered to be full of values ​​like football. In baseball, players have been trained physically, sophistication, ability, and especially tactical bravery is very high.

When it has flourished in the United States, when it comes to other countries in the region and outside the region, baseball is highly appreciated. Gradually, in those countries, baseball became the sport most loved by young people.

In order to better understand baseball, you should learn about baseball law. To ensure necessary information about this subject.

Size of the yard specified in baseball law

The baseball field is different in size from other types of courts. The baseball field is regulated in the rules of the ball used in competition.

The football field has 4 equal angles into a square. Corresponding to the length 27.4m for men’s soccer field, 18.2m for women’s football field.

View from above to a 99m-sized propeller-shaped football field on either side, the circular arc connects two limited line ends with a 122m radius.

Small size has a rate of 0.3048m.

Ball playing equipment is regulated by baseball rules

The main instruments of baseball include bats, balls, gloves. Practitioners should pay attention to the selection of quality and guaranteed tools. Helping the ball play better.

Baseball is a popular outdoor sport, besides that, you can refer to the card game to entertain more, introduce you to a very attractive 3C reward exchange game that attracts a lot of players.

Batting stick

According to baseball rules, a baseball bat is made of wood or alloy. The length of the specified stick is from 0.7 to 1m, not exceeding 1kg. The tips of the sticks are small and big towards the handle. The handle part will be increased friction when holding for players, help them polish more accurately.